Course curriculum

    1. Lesson One: Fiqh & Madhabs

    2. Fiqh 1

    1. Lesson Two: Introduction To The Nullifiers of Wudu

    2. lesson Three: Causes That Nullify Wudu - Sleep

    3. Lesson Four: The Nullifiers of Wudu - Touching The Private Parts

    4. Lesson Five: Nullifiers of Wudu - Touching The Opposite Gender

    5. Lesson Six: Some Things That Don't Violate Wudu

    6. Lesson Seven: They Types of Water & The Types of Purification

    7. Lesson Eight: Water Mixed With Impurities

    8. Lesson Number Nine: Wudu & Its Obligations

    9. Lesson Ten: The Sunnas of Wudu

    10. Lesson Eleven: The Fadāil of Wudu

    11. Lesson Twelve: The Obligations of Ghusul

    12. Lesson Thirteen - The Sunna of Ghusul and Its Fadail

    13. Lesson Fourteen: Tayammum and Its Four Obigations

    14. Lesson Fifteen: The Sunnas of Tayammum

    1. Lesson Sixteen: An Introduction to Prayer & Its Timings

    2. Lesson Seventeen: The Conditions of Prayer

    3. Lesson Eighteen: The Obligations of Prayer

    4. Lesson Nineteen: The Sunnas of Prayer

    5. Lesson Twenty: The Secondary Sunnas (Fadilah) Of Prayers (Part one)

    6. Lesson Twenty-One: The Secondary Sunnas (Fadilah) Of Prayers (Part Two)

    7. Lesson Twenty-Two: Disliked Acts of Prayer

    8. Lesson Twenty-Three: Bringing Love To Your Prayers

    9. Lesson Twenty-Four: Things That Ruin the Prayer

    10. Lesson Twenty-Five: The Prostration for Forgetfulness

    11. Lesson Twenty-Six: The Imam, His Qualities & Issues Related to His Job

    12. Lesson Twenty-Seven: The Friday Prayer (Part-One)

    13. Lesson Twenty-Eight: The Friday Prayer (Part-Two)

    14. Lesson Twenty-Nine: The Funeral Prayer

    1. Lesson Thirty: Fasting

About this course

  • Free
  • 31 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content