Course curriculum

    1. About the Course, The Author & What We Plan to Cover

    2. Text Semester One (Un-edited)

    3. Three Parts of Proper Arabic Speech

    4. Text Semester One (Unedited)

    5. Recognizing Nouns (Part One)

    6. Lesson Four: Recognizing Nouns (Part Two)

    7. Signs of Nouns (part two): The Oath Letters

    8. Lesson Six: Recognizing Subject Pronouns

    9. Lesson Seven: The Signs of Verbs

    10. LessonS Seven: Recognizing Verbs

    11. Lesson Eight: The Signs of Verbs (Part Two)

    12. Arabic 8

    13. An Introduction to 'Irab

    14. lesson Eleven: The Types of 'Irāb

    15. Lesson Twelve: The Four Foundations of 'Irāb

    16. Lesson Thirteen: Two Types Of 'Irāb

    17. Foundations of Arabic: Lesson Fourteen: The Meanings of Vowels

    18. Lesson Fifteen: The Meanings of The First Case (The Doer Case) - رفع -

    19. Where You Will Use the Raf's Case

    20. Foundations of Arabic: Lesson Seventeen The First Indicator of Raf'

    21. Foundations of Arabic Lesson Eighteen: The Second Indicator of Raf'

    22. The Foundations of Arabic Lesson Nineteen: The Third and Fourth Signs of Raf'

    23. Lesson Twenty: What is Nasb, When is it Used and What are Its Signs?

    24. Lesson Twenty One: The First Sign of Nasb (Fatha)

    25. lesson Twenty Two - The Signs of Nasb - Ya & The Hidden Nun

    26. The Signs of Khaft Part Two

    27. The Signs of Khafd Part One

    28. The Signs of Khafd: Part Three

    29. Lesson Twenty Four - The Signs of Jazim

    30. Supplemental Practice - The Signs of Jazm

    31. Lesson Twenty Six: The Types of 'Irab

    32. Lesson Twenty Seven: Fixed Words (Bina)

    33. Lesson Twenty Eight (Verbs)

    34. Lesson Twenty Nine: The Verb Of Command (فعل الأمر)

    35. Lesson Thirty: The Past Tense Verb (فعل ماضى)

    36. Lesson Thirty One: The Imperfect Verb (فعل المضارع)

    37. Lesson Thirty Two: The Nawasib

    38. Lesson Thirty Three: The Jawazim Introduction

    39. Lesson Thirty-Four: Jawazim Part Two

    40. Lesson Thirty Five: The Jawazim (Last Part)

    41. Lesson Thirty Six: The Marfu'at

    42. Lesson Thirty Seven: The Subject (Part One)

    43. Lesson Thirty Eight: The Subject (Part Two)

    44. Lesson Thirty Nine: The Subject (Part Three)

    45. Lesson Forty: Mubtada (Part One)

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content