Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video from Imam Suhaib

    2. Course Syllabus (Lives of the Prophets 1)

    3. Course Syllabus (Lives of the Prophets 2)

    4. Google Classroom

    1. Zoom Link To Join the Class

    1. Session 1 (Part 1)

    2. Session 1 (Part 2)

    3. 7/11

    1. Lesson One (Part One) Course Introduction

    2. Lesson One (Part Two)

    3. Lesson Two (Shaytan, Hawa, Adam & The Dunya)

    4. Lesson Three: Idris & Nuh عليهما السلام

    5. Lesson Four: Hud عليه السلام

    6. Lesson Five: Salih & Thamud

    7. Lesson Six: Ibrahim (Part one)

    8. Lesson Seven: Ibrahim Part Two

    9. Lesson Eight: Ismail, Ishaq & Yacqub

    10. Lesson Nine: The Story of Lut

    11. Lesson Ten: Shu'ayb

    12. Lesson Eleven: Yusuf Part One

    13. Lesson Twelve: Yusuf Part 2

    14. Lesson Thirteen: Yunus

    15. Lesson Fourteen: Ayoub

    16. Lesson Fifteen Musa: Part One

    17. Vlog Four: Long Lost Friends

    1. Vlog 1: Beginnings

    2. Vlog 2: Adam & Anxiety

    3. Vlog 3: Nuh & Repentance

    4. Session 6

    5. Session 7

    6. Session 8

    7. Session 9

    1. Musa & Khadar

    2. The Story of Dawud & Power

    3. Soliman, Knowledge, Power and Organization

    4. Esa (Part One)

    5. Esa Part Two

    6. Esa Part Three

    7. Luqman

    8. Dhul Qarnayn

    9. The Story of Qarun

    10. The Story of Yasin

    11. The Companions of The Cave

About this course

  • Free
  • 53 lessons
  • 39 hours of video content